Vaccination, Global Trends to 2030, and Animal Experiment Statistics – New Official Publications 29.04.19

Newly published official publications from :

Westminster and the UK Government

House of Lords Library: The Queen's Room (c) Parliamentary copyright images are reproduced with the permission of Parliament

House of Lords Library: The Queen’s Room (c) Parliamentary copyright images are reproduced with the permission of Parliament

Rail fares, ticketing & prospects for reform – “Rail fares have been a sore point for passengers for some time. This is exacerbated at the turn of the year when the annual regulated fare changes are brought into effect. The fare increases, which arguably cause the most dissatisfaction for passengers, raise questions around who determines fare changes and whether there is any prospect of them being frozen or even reduced?”

Animal Experiment Statistics – “In 2017, there were 3.79 million procedures completed involving regulated living animals, which was the lowest annual number since 2010. This note summarises and analyses trends in data, including the growth of universities as the dominant seat of research on animals, the use of different species, and the decline of research for toxicological purposes.”

Brexit questions in national and EU courts – “It has been predicted that Brexit issues will give rise to many legal actions in UK and other Member States’ courts, and the Court of Justice of the EU. While there have not yet been a great many, several cases have been brought by UK citizens living in other EU Member States, while other cases have been interesting for their implications for the UK’s future relations with the EU. This paper looks at issues that have been the subject of legal action in UK and EU courts.”

The European Union

European Parliament © European Union 2015

European Parliament © European Union 2015

How do we build a stronger, more united Europe? The views of young people – “Through this survey more than 10.000 young people across the EU (between 15 and 30 years) expressed their views on what the EU priorities should be as well as where education and training should focus in the years to come. Additionally, the survey provides an overview on young people’s trends regarding their social and civic participation. Finally, it illustrates the situation regarding youth mobility and helps to identify the main reasons that possibly impede young people from taking part in a learning experience abroad.”

Europeans’ attitudes towards vaccination – “Vaccination is one of the most successful public health measures to date. Not only do vaccines prevent diseases and save lives, they also reduce healthcare costs. The European Commission has conducted a Special Eurobarometer presenting Europeans’ attitudes towards vaccination. While the results are positive in finding that 85% of EU citizens believe vaccination is an effective way to prevent infectious diseases, and 79% consult and trust a healthcare professional to get information about vaccinations, there are also some worrying findings: 48% Europeans believe – incorrectly – that vaccines can often produce severe side effects, and 38% think vaccines can cause the diseases against which they protect. More key figures can be found in the full Eurobarometer report.”

Global trends to 2030 : Challenges and choices for Europe – “The next decade will be defining for the future of Europe and Europe’s role in the world. Seismic global power shifts; pressure on liberal democracies; challenges to global governance; the transformation of economic models and the very fabric of societies; new uses and misuses of technology; contrasting demographic patterns; and humanity’s growing ecological footprint – the world is well on its way towards a new geopolitical, geo-economic and geotechnological order. What role will Europe play in this fast-changing world? How can the European Union ensure that it does not end up a middle power, caught between the United States and China? What will it take for Europe to hold its destiny in its own hands in 2030?

The Scottish Parliament and Government

Lighting through the Garden Lobby Roof of the Scottish Parliament ©2009 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Lighting through the Garden Lobby Roof of the Scottish Parliament ©2009 Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body

Developing the Scottish Parliament’s scrutiny role after Brexit – “On 25 March 2019, the Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Constitution Committee wrote to parliamentary committees to explore how a more coordinated approach could be developed to the Scottish Parliament’s scrutiny of the new powers arising from the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. This briefing provides background to help inform the consideration of the Parliament’s committees in their response to the Finance and Constitution Committee.”

Scottish National Investment Bank Bill – “The Scottish National Investment Bank Bill will place a duty on the Scottish Ministers to create the Scottish National Investment Bank as a public limited company and to provide it with its articles of association. The Scottish Government intends the Bank to be operational in 2020, subject to Parliamentary approval of proposals.”

Vulnerable Witnesses (Criminal Evidence) (Scotland) Bill: Consideration prior to Stage 3 – “The Vulnerable Witnesses (Criminal Evidence) (Scotland) Bill will be debated at stage 3 on 9 May 2019. This briefing summarises the main issues considered at stages 1 and 2. ”

Office for National Statistics

Developing a measure of controlling or coercive behaviour – “Initial research into new questions aimed at identifying controlling or coercive behaviour. These crimes are less likely to be reported to the police, therefore it is important we find an effective way to measure these offences. This will provide insight for policymakers, service providers and charities.

Healthcare expenditure, UK Health Accounts: 2017 – “This bulletin contains data from the UK Health Accounts, providing figures for 2013 to 2017. Health accounts are a set of statistics analysing healthcare expenditure by three core dimensions:

  • financing scheme – the mechanism through which healthcare is financed
  • function – the type of care and mode of provision
  • provider organisation – the setting in which healthcare is delivered”

If you’d like to know more about official publications just get in touch with us at the Maps, Official Publications and Statistics Unit on Level 7 of the library. We are open Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, and can be contacted on 0141 330 6740 or

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